5-2 Programmable Thermostat TH4110D1007 PRO4000 Honeywell


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SKU: 1546-Term-th4110d1007 Category:


Condition: Open Box, never installed. Please see photos. The box is damaged, the thermostat has not been affected.

The Honeywell PRO series includes the easiest to install and use thermostats on the market. In fact, the TH4110D1007 can be programmed in less than five minutes! Our customers are so pleased with its performance that it is one of the most highly-rated thermostats on our site, and it is praised for its convenience, simplicity, and reliability. This digital thermostat has 5-2 day programming so you can vary the settings for weekdays and weekends depending on your schedule. Honeywell also offers a 5-year warranty on this highly-recommended unit.


  • Energy efficiency can help you save up to 33% annually on heating and cooling costs
  • Multiple programming options help fit your lifestyle: 5-2 (Weekdays, Weekend) programming
  • Dependable functioning since Adaptive Intelligent Recovery feature ensures that chosen temperatures are reached by designated time
  • Digital display screen is backlit to make it easily readable
  • Accurate comfort control (+/- 1° F) maintains consistent temperature
  • Basic operation includes easy-to-use slide switches that allow you to select the heat or cool mode and operate the fan

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